Volunteer Registration Form

After filling out this form and clicking SAVE, visit the Gleans page to sign up for your chosen glean.

If you have already registered before, you do not have to register again. If you want to update your contact information, go to the Volunteer page. For a name change, email webmaster@igimvg.org.

Privacy: Information entered here is used solely by Island Grown Gleaning. We do not share, sell or otherwise distribute your personal information.

First name     Last name

Phone for day of glean contact/cell Alternate Phone



City State Zip code

Please enter a password (6 to 15 letters and numbers only) that you can use to check your signup and waiting list status anytime instantly on a web page rather than waiting for an email.

Emergency contact (first and last name)

Emergency contact phone number

How often do you anticipate being able to glean (given that most volunteer experiences last 1 – 2 hours and the season runs June 1 – December 31)?

YesNo   Weekly
Yes No   10 or more times per year
Yes No   A few times per year

What times are you available? (check multiple boxes)

YesNo   Weekday morning
YesNo   Weekday afternoon
YesNo   Weekend morning
YesNo   Weekend afternoon

Are you part of a group who might enjoy a gleaning field trip (book club, religious group, sports team, etc)?

I agree to the Terms of Participation.

After registering as a volunteer, please visit our Gleans page to see what gleans are scheduled and to sign up for one.